Friday, August 31, 2012

3 Things I Have Learned From Murray

A while back I wrote a post on what I had learned about Piper, so it's probably fitting I do the same for Murray.  While Piper challenged me in just about every way possible, Murray has challenged me too, but in different ways.  I know there are, and will be, more to learn from Murray, but a certain few things stand out. 

The biggest, most surprising thing I have leaned from Murray is the depth of love between a person and a dog.  I have owned several dogs in my life, and I have loved them all, but there is something special between Murray and myself.  I swear he is my dog soul mate.  There is not a lot I can say to get this sentiment across sufficiently, so I am not going to try, other than to say he is a crucial part of my life.
Murray has forced me to try to be a calmer, less reactive person.  During times when he perceives me to be upset or angry, he gets extremely nervous.  We have raised Murray from 8 weeks old and he has really never been yelled at and no one has ever put a hand on him, but the stress he shows when he knows I am upset would make someone think otherwise.  He and I are very bonded, so I have decided he just cannot stand to see me upset.  He wants and tries to make it better.  He cuddles with me, licks my face, paws me and won't leave my side.  In return I don't like to see Murray feel like that, so I have worked to become more peaceful and even keel (not that I was crazy or anything LOL).  He is also very sensitive to the word "bad".  We have to spell it out because he will hear it, even in the middle of a sentence.  We don't even have to use the word in reference to him (come on, he's never bad), if he hears it in conversation, or maybe in reference to his brother, Piper, his head drops and he sulks to his bed.  It's very "sad"...which, by the way, is a word he confuses for bad too!

 Easy Going
Finally, Murray has taught me to be more easy going.  He is the kind of dog that doesn't "complain" about anything.  I don't think I have ever heard him whine, whimper or bark in complaint (I think I would die if I did).  When he doesn't want to do something, he gives in very easily with his head down as if to say "just get it over with".  I'm referring to things like grooming or bathing times.  He's never a problem.  While he doesn't like these things, he always wants to please us, so to him I think it's non-negotiable.  I think he would do anything for us.

Thank You Murray!  We Love You To Pieces!   


Build a Dog First Aid Kit

Safety First!

We always bring a first aid kit for our dogs when we vacation. When we're at home we keep it in a handy location as well. You can certainly purchase a ready made kit, but you can also make one of your own.   Here are some important items to consider including in your own.

Clippers or Small Scissors
Hydrogen Peroxide
Allergy Medication
Cotton Balls
Eye Wash
Anti-itch Spray
Ear Wash
Topical Antibiotic Ointment
Blood Clotting Gel
EMT Gel (Thanks Jodi!)
Cold Compress
Tick Removal Tool
Copies of:
ASPCA Poison Control Number ( 1-888-426-4435)
Dog License Number
Microchip Registration Number
Rabies Vaccination Information
Local Veterinarian Numbers and Addresses

Wednesday, August 29, 2012

Wordless Wednesday

EASY Homemade Frozen Treats

1 Cup Vanilla Yogurt
1 Cup Creamy Peanut Butter
1 Cup "All Natural" Apple Sauce

Directions:  Combine all ingredients in a mixing bowl.  Spoon mixture into 3 oz paper cups and freeze.  **Optional-Add a milk bone before you freeze.**  Enjoy!  :)


Tuesday, August 28, 2012

Tasty Tuesday!

I need more!

They can't be gone! :(

(Cannot add links: Registration/trial expired)

We Love a Good Dog Store!

On our recent trip to Cape Cod something was strongly confirmed for love of a good dog specialty store!  I found myself searching online for any and every dog store in all of Cape Cod.  I have done this regularly at home, wanting to be in the know about any new store opening, but Cape Cod gave me new, uncharted territory and opportunities!  Now, I like to shop in any kind of store, but there is something special  that gets me very excited about a dog store.  There is such and array of items, from t-shirts for people to shoes for dogs!  Many of them have a bakery within, to entice the four legged customers that stroll through.  I love looking through the different styles of leashes, toys and home decor, and I find that I want to FILL my basket along the way.  I love larger chain stores like PetSmart and Petco too, but a small town boutique is where you can find a dog item you never knew existed.  If you have not been in many small dog specialty stores, I strongly encourage you to visit one or two.  Be prepared to spend some time (and money) because you'll be amazed at everything that exists for our furry friends.  I have linked some of my local shops as well as the cool ones I found in Cape Cod.  I believe you can order online from any of these shops as well, so ENJOY!

Monday, August 27, 2012

We're Famous!

There was a write up about the Pooch Plunge in one of our local newspapers today and all my boys were mentioned!  We had a great day swimming at the pool for this event.  I'm so proud :) 

Sunday, August 26, 2012

Black and White Sunday

No More Dogs in Hot Cars!!

I just don't understand how people bring and leave their dogs inside their cars on warm days.  I see more of this irresponsible behavior than I care to count.  It makes me furious and sick all at the same time.  I realize summer is coming to a close in many parts of the world, but there are still too many high temperature days to be leaving your dog in the car yet...even with the windows down!

What to look for and do...
A dog may be experiencing heat stroke if you see heavy panting, vomiting, drooling and/or weakness.  The dog should be cooled via a cool hose or bath to a temperature of 104.  The dog should be dried and of course taken immediately to the vet.  It is important not to over-cool a dog as well.  Do not encourage a lot of water drinking.  The heavy panting will increase the gulping and taking in of a lot of air.  Water is best held off until the body temperature becomes more normal.

A great resource from the MSPCA of Massachusetts

Saturday, August 25, 2012

Pooch Plunge 2012

Today was one of our local shelter's fundraisers and overall fun day for dogs!  It was the 2nd annual Pooch Plunge! It was one of Piper's best days all summer!  He was so well behaved.  He listened, was polite and an overall good boy.  I was very proud (especially if you know our history). Murray, while I tried to get him to swim, the photos say it all.  He is not a swimmer, but he enjoys watching!

Hmm I don't know
Piper's got this

What's happening?

Oh no no no!

Am I swimming?

Legs out in every direction!

The steps!

I'm outta here!!!

Piper thinks this walk will be more Murray's speed!

Piper showing off to Murray

Piper hanging with Julia and Brooklyn!
Brooklyn (my friend's doodle)


Friday, August 24, 2012

Brushing Teeth

Brushing a dog's teeth isn't an easy task, but the benefits are huge!  It will help prevent tooth loss over time, and it helps remove harmful bacteria that left alone, can spread to other organs and cause serious illnesses.  I picked up a dog teeth brushing kit at my local pet store, and away I went!  The toothpastes come in different flavors geared toward dog tastes.  I chose peanut butter because my guys LOVE it.  Please don't ever use human toothpaste,  it is upsetting to their stomachs.  I start by giving them a tiny lick of the paste off my finger, just to entice them.  The kit also came with a finger cap brush as well as a double sided toothbrush, with a different size brush on each end.  I know many people like the finger cap style, but it felt ineffective, having very small and rubbery bristles.  I have more control with the short side of the regular toothbrush.  The main focus should be on the outside (or the front) of the teeth.  It's less important to brush the backs.  It is not necessary to scrub either.  A quick, gentle passing over works.  A couple things I have learned to look for that could signal a dental issue in your dog are to watch how they chew food and treats.  If they are having some noticeable trouble, there could be something going on.  Also, bad breath is a symptom sometimes too.  We are still working up to doing teeth brushing regularly.  We're getting there though!  We have to keep Murray's mouth healthy so we can keep blogging!  ;)

The tools
What's this?


Can't forget the fronts! (shh don't tell Murray his shaving box is behind him for tomorrow!)

Thursday, August 23, 2012

Missing Me

I had to leave Murray today for a few hours to start preparing my classroom for the start of school in a few weeks.  After a full summer of being together, Murray was NOT happy!  Don't worry Murray, with the coming of fall, so do our doodle play dates!  Jamie snapped a pic...

I miss my mom!

Wednesday, August 22, 2012


I just signed up for BarkBox!  Looks awesome!  If you want to sign up through me, click below and you'll get $5.00 off.  Thanks!

Wordless Wednesday- Nap Time

Life Jackets Save

This is such a sad story.  So many of us would jump in after our dogs just like these two people did.  What choice would we have?  The article does not mention if the dog was wearing a life jacket (the people were not :( ), but this is yet another reminder to dog owners for their dogs to own and wear life jackets.  This little dog survived luckily, but is now probably going to be looking for a new home.  Let's hope he finds a loving one quickly, as he has lost his whole family :( 

Piper loves his life jacket

Tuesday, August 21, 2012

Dog Custody

I don't follow much of any news on Robert Pattinson and Kristen Stewart, but I stumbled across their dog custody battle on the internet. Assuming they separate for good, each of them are laying claim to their rescue dog Bear, that they adopted together. It made me think of my own dogs (and cats) and I started to wonder what would happen if I were in a similar situation as them. Honestly, this topic has rarely entered my mind. I plan to be married to Jamie for long haul, and luckily he is very tolerant of my dog obsession, so we fit together well. I think he is borderline obsessed himself! Anyway, maybe I am deluded, but I really don't think Jamie would be the kind of guy to take my dogs from me, no matter what the situation was. Sure, he would like some visitation time, but I think he would let me have custody of any animals I wanted. From my point of view I know I couldn't have Murray live with anyone but me. He and I are very much attached at the hip. Piper is a toss up. He is not overly bonded to either one of us. Maybe there are some people out there that should consider what THEY would do. Not a pleasant thought, but since a lot of us look at our dogs like may be worth considering.

Happy Together :)

Monday, August 20, 2012

Mischief Monday

I got a squeaker out from one of my toys!  UT OH!

Our Quest for a Dog Park

I feel like a whiny kid.  I really waaant something!  I want a dog park...please!!!  We live in a small town in upstate NY.  I can't say it's overly dog friendly, but it's not bad.  The town I live in does not allow dogs on any school ground or field, so we're left to run and play at a local historic site where dogs are not banned, but they also are not encouraged with open arms.  After visiting Cape Cod and a few of it's towns either finished, or up and coming dog parks, I feel my town, and probably many others, NEED a dog park of their own.  I don't see it as just a "nice place for dogs to play", I see it as a necessity for communities with many dogs living in them.  I believe it would make not only the dogs and their owners happier, but also the non-dog owners as well.  I think it would help keep dogs more out of the way of people who do not want to be around them.  Dogs and their people would have a place to go, and not be in a constant search for dog friendly places and people,if they had a dog park.  Jamie has been on the lookout for some prime space, and we have a couple options in mind.  One is a space that is already designated as "park space", but it has never been developed.  After locating the place, next would come approval and funding for it.  I have to say, I am more motivated than ever, even though I don't know much about how to get this underway!  My boys had a great time socializing, running and playing with the other dogs in Cape Cod, and it was a safe place for them (and their humans) to gather.  Of course I imagine we would have to start minimal.  A fenced in area/areas, a couple benches, poop stations, water stations, and some kind of surface, but over time I dream of actual structures being there for dogs to play on.  I am a bit hung up on what kind of surface would be good for dog paws to play on.  In Cape Cod I saw small stones and sand.  The stones were tough on my guys and I would worry about dogs who eat them!  Sand gets hot and is hard to maneuver sometimes (if it's deep) but still might be a better option than stone.  Hmmm...  We live at the bottom of the Adirondacks, so maybe a rustic theme!  Oh my ideas a swirling now.

Falmouth (stones)



Dennis (sand)


She Deserves Better