Tuesday, April 15, 2014

A GREAT Book- Pukka's Promise

Author Ted Kerasote has written such a heartwarming story in his new book, Pukka's Promise.  He has done an astonishing amount of research around dog health and presents it in this book alongside his fun stories living life with his dog, Pukka.  I have found myself laughing, tearing up and overall just totally wrapped up in each chapter.  Some chapters left me shocked, and others left me feeling very sad and even a bit ashamed of not knowing better.  I consider myself a responsible and caring dog parent, how could I not know more about all that Kerasote presents?

Kerasote's first dog, Merle, sparked his interest in the topics he writes about.  Merle passed away at age 14, and Kerasote felt dogs were capable of longer lifespans than 14, even though we've started to think of 14 as a "good old age".  Two years later came Pukka.  Kerasote's careful research presented in this book starts in his two year search for Pukka, and takes you through all of the health related topics imaginable.  He is on a mission for Pukka to have the healthiest, longest life possible... as so many dog parents are, but have not done the scope of research Kerasote has.  It has been very eye opening for me.   He focuses on 6 factors when it comes to dog health and longevity- inbreeding, over-vaccination, pollutants, food, American shelters and spaying and neutering.  He goes through each of these topics in depth as he considers how he will raise Pukka.  Kerasote spent five hardworking years looking into each of these, and they are likely controversial to some, but it's hard to argue his research.  It seems he slowly reveals just why our precious pups die so young.  Dogs dying between ages 8 and 12 is just unacceptable and unnecessary.  We need to be striving for ages 15 to 20!  He proves himself to be, first and foremost, an honest to goodness dog advocate.  It seems Merle set him on this path and Pukka is furthering his mission.  This truly is a must read for all dog owners, anyone thinking about getting a dog or anyone who lives their lives in any kind of contact with dogs.  He is a true inspiration for dog owners and dog lover everywhere.


  1. Howdy Murray, sounds like a very interesting book. Thanks for the review. Hope you are all well mate. No worries, and love, Stella and Rory

  2. Sounds like a good read and nice review. Have a wonderful Wednesday.
    Best wishes Molly


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