I am not being paid to do this review, I just wanted to pass on how happy I have been with my purchase. When Murray took his dog class late last spring, his teacher recommended the
Lupine brand of collars and leashes. It wasn't long (I love to buy dog stuff) before we ordered their "combo collar" with a matching leash in the the style "Dapper Dog". What drew me to this particular collar was the "combo" aspect. It's all fabric except for the hooks, so it's in no way a clunky chain like a choke or prong collar, but it is designed to keep the dog from slipping out of the collar and it also gives you, the human, added control. I can absolutely see how this collar would be ideal for training, and then also transition right into being a great walking collar. It's not meant to be worn if your dog is not leashed. We don't keep collars on our dogs all the time, only when leaving the house. 99% of the time it is just like Murray has a regular fabric collar on, but now in those times of trying to bolt after a squirrel, or pull to visit a passing dog (he walks well, but not perfect haha), we have the added security and control to keep him safe and held back. Lupine guarantees their products even if they have been chewed. Our boys aren't big chewers anymore, but our trainer confirmed the company will replace a chewed through product. How awesome is that?! The design choices are a super added bonus too! Murray's just adorable wearing his "dapper dog". I highly recommend Lupine products myself now.
PS...Please don't forget you can vote daily for Murray in the
Monster Cute Contest. Thanks!
Lupine "Dapper Dog" Combo Collar and Leash |