Monday, March 24, 2014

Piper Update And A Question

Our second opinion agreed with the original plan for Piper.  We are having his lump surgically removed this Friday.  Once it's out, we will know more about what we're dealing with.  Hopefully it's benign and we'll have no worries.  There don't seem to be any troubling signs thus far that there is any cancer that has spread through his body, but that will remain to be seen. 

Now as for the question I have... When you take your dog for a wellness visit, does your vet do blood draws and vaccinations in front of you or do they take you dog "out back" with a technician to handle such things?  I'm curious because I have always had those procedures done in front of me, until recently with a new vet I have been seeing.  I have to admit I'm very uncomfortable not being there with my dog when such things are being done.  Am I alone in feeling that way?  I think I have to speak up!


  1. Paws crossed for Piper. Our vet does the exam and vaccines in front of us, but the lab technicians (blood etc) is done in the back. When it is Hailey's turn, I can hear her screaming and am not sure I would want to see it!

  2. Oh puppers, hope Piper is OK, we missed a lot. As for the vet thinking, noway Mom and Dad will not let us outta their sight. Dad here, we are very picky about our pups, we know and see every thing going on, or it doesn't happen, except for surgery and then we have ALL the details before hand.

    The Mad Scots
    Mom & Dad

  3. Our vet works the same way as hailey and Zaphod. Mom says she is sure there must be a valid reason for that. It all comes down to how trusting you are of your vet.

    All paws crossed for a successful surgery and good results.

    Woos - Phantom, Ciara, and Lightning

  4. Prayers for good news for Piper We have gone to lots of different vets. Some do it in front of the parents, some don't. Our parents prefer those who do it in front of them

  5. Our fingers and paws are crossed for you over here and we pray things will be OK. Always we are in the room when they do bloods and vacs etc and we too would not be comfortable for them to do it away from us. Have a terrific Tuesday.
    Best wishes Molly

  6. This comment has been removed by the author.

  7. We are praying too that everything will be OK.. We would always want to stay with Mollie whist the vet checked her out. xxxooxxx

    Mollie and Alfie

  8. Our vet always does these services in front of us. I think it's very odd that they are performing these in another room...

    Fingers crossed for Piper!


She Deserves Better