Monday, May 4, 2015

Chips! Yum!

Noooo, not those kinds of chips.  Microchips!  BOL!!  It's National Chip Your Pet Month!  More pets die because their owners didn't identify them than from all infectious diseases combined.  Microchipped pets also save shelters hundreds of dollars in kennel fees because chipped pets are generally returned in hours instead of days, or possibly not at all. 


  1. WE have been CHIPPED fur like 87 years.... AND remember to always have your CHIP CHECKED at your annual Physical.... to be sure it has not MIGRATED or stuffs... ERNIE's has moved DOWN over an INCH...

  2. Chippin is one of the best things every invented for pets.....rakes right up there with the discovery of fire and the wheel!..........wonder if this should be made is so cheap .

    The Mad Scots

  3. that's the only way to make sure we come back home when we are lost ...
    easy rider

  4. Yes, it doesn't cost much either. We are both chipped!

    Your Pals,

    Murphy & Stanley

  5. Can I have Salsa with that?

    Both my guys are chipped, a breeder contract requirement, plus it just makes good sense!


She Deserves Better